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Thursday, March 24, 2011

What Is Salvation?

What is salvation? Salvation translates from the Greek word sōtēria which means
1)deliverance, preservation, safety 2)salvation as the present possession of all true Christians 3)future salvation, the sum of benefits and blessings which the Christians, redeemed from all earthly ills, will enjoy after the visible return of Christ from heaven in the consummated and eternal kingdom of God.

Salvation is for everyone; a free gift that we acquire through faith, but what's interesting is that an individual can not be saved until he/she realizes that they must be rescued. Rescued from the depravity of sin. "I'm good" or another word we use is "alright". Deep within we are looking or longing for deeper meaning to life. We can try all our own resourceful ways, but it still will come back to God. Many find this out after years of seeking. Like Billy in the above analogy he completely misunderstands the pastor regarding the plaque on the wall and his immediately response was fear. People in our culture fear what they have a tendency to not understand. God has something for us that will bless our lives in the present and future, not to take something away. We run away from God as if he is trying to keep us away from something that is desirable. pleasant, and bountiful. Salvation brings us into the Christian family where we will begin to experience the richness, blessing, and fullness of God. It's a journey that can't be fully explained, but for those who dare take the step of faith are never the same. In the next couple of devotionals we will explore the benefits of being part of the Christian family. The promises will leave you thirsty and salivating for more.... Psalm 34:8 Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.

God has a thousand ways where I can not see not one; when all my means have reached their end then His has just begun.~Ester Gunyot
KTW Ministries "Finally Free"

How to Extend your Influence By Dan Rockwell

The magnetism of isolation is control and safety.
Additionally, isolation may indicate that tasks, problems, and challenges take precedence over people. During isolation coercion usually escalates. You lean more toward authority than relationship.
Worse yet, when you focus on completing tasks, solving problems, and overcoming challenges you sink inward into your own circumstances.

You cannot influence in isolation.
Ken Blanchard observes, “The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority.”
Influence and isolation collide. You can command from a disconnected-distance. Influence requires contact.
Think of the people you’re losing influence with? Are you spending less time with them? Either they have isolated themselves from you or you have isolated yourself from them.

If you’re losing influence, the contact you most resist is most important.
Influence requires interaction. Think of the people around your office that you most influence. Do they know you? Do you know them? It’s likely you said, “Yes.”
Commanding is one directional. It requires simple obedience. However, influence is two directional and requires willing consent. You can coerce conformity with authority but you lose influence.
You can’t antagonize and influence at the same time. Antagonizing builds barriers, fuels resistance, and, creates power struggles.

If you’re pulling rank, you’ve already lost influence.
The context of powerful, positive influence is respectful relationships built in harmonious community.

Community building contradicts isolation and means:
You join their team before they join yours.
They win before you win.
They influence you before you influence them.
You, “Seek first to understand and then to be understood,” Stephen R. Covey.
You give before they give.
No one freely joins your community when they believe you’re in it for yourself.
Community builders reject isolation. They move first. They actively move toward rather than away.

How can leaders better connect and build community?
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Friday, March 4, 2011

Great leaders

Great leaders don't change people. They create environments where people can change themselves.~Dan Rockwell

Monday, August 23, 2010

Click Here to Donate:

Susanne and I are honored to have been accepted to 2nd year at Bethel School of Ministry! Now WE NEED A MIRACLE! And you can be part of that Miracle... We Need $1450 each by September 7th... $2900 total. Isn't that exciting! This is a perfect opportunity for God to create a miracle and allow the impossible to become the possible! You can be part of it! & it's tax-deductible!