Kings Kids

Kings Kids
O 2 B N Maui

Friday, March 5, 2010

Graham Cooke~ Identity is Everything! Notes from class 2/24/2010

When you know who you are then you know how you're suppose to live.
When Jesus asked the question who do you say I am. He received 4 distorted answers.
He wanted the disciples to know who he really was. This would propel them into who they really are.
Our identity is made up of who we are on earth and how heaven perceives us.
We are known in heaven in a particular way. We have to understand how HE sees us. That is why we have prophesy.
Isaiah 61~He tells them this is how he is known in heaven.
He was letting them know this is who I am when he spoke in Isaiah 61.
The goodness of God is so powerful that it can incinerate anything in you that you don't like.
Jesus said to the disciples that its better if he goes away because then HE can come, meaning the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a genius.
He will lead us into all truth through experience.
He is the persona of the invisible God
We are being transformed into the image of Christ.
What we trust in> in the Kingdom of God is what we will have power in.
Whatever God is, he's relentless at it.
He wants us to know who we are. That's why he gives us prophesy.
3 things we get from knowing our identity
1. Legal authority
2. Gives you a right to rule over wherever you are
3. Gives you the ability to bring peace to wherever you are.

When God shows up and reveals your identity to you, he is raising you up to His view of you. And this gives you elevated status on earth.
When you get a prophesy, you're suppose to use that to fight.
We should be using our prophesy to challenge our circumstances.
He loves to tell you who you are. And then he relates to us that way for the rest of our lives.
If we're not thinking the same way God sees us, then we need to change our thoughts in that area and then change our actions to match God’s.
Our personalities are irrelevant to God. He completely ignores it and then says, nevertheless, I'll be with you.
The worst thing we know about ourselves is completely irrelevant in heaven.
What happens after our persona has been identified to us from God, and then we work with God to adjust our actions. So that our actions match the persona that God has called us.
When we receive prophesy, we need to look at the key words of who we are and where we're going and focus on that.
You cannot change negativity with positivity. You have to practice being who God sees you to be.
You practice being loving and kind until we're brilliant at it.
2 negatives cause a condemnation or an accusation.
Most of the time the first reaction when God is revealing our identity is negative. But this is ok because it’s bringing up the negative inside of us to be removed. Keep speaking the prophesy or identity. Practice being Christ.
All the things God wants to give us can only come to our identity!
Any idiot can get their needs met in the kingdom but only inheritance can come to identity.
The resources in our lives are in trust until we know our identity.
We have unclaimed upgrades to how God sees us.
Moses had a similar internal battle when God called him to deliver Israel. He ignored Moses when he said he wasn't ready and just said I'll be with you.
Exodus 7:1
God tells him that "I have made you" not I will. It was already done. Moses just had to see it himself.
What if fullness and abundance are only linked to our identity?
We need to stop praying like a widow and pray like a BRIDE!!
There's a piece of territory in the spirit that has our name on it.
When you see your identity, you see the resources attached to it.
The when you see something that you want, you say that's what I want right there.
We have to know absolutely who we are in Christ.
When we start to agree with heaven then everything will open to us.
The negative side of our personality is under pressure by the Holy Spirit so that it can be killed with our identity.
So the more that God reveals our identity, the more the negativity is revealed.
The answer to our future is not in our past.
Create a group to call each other up to their identity and the way that heaven sees us.
In the transitional process, the enemy will be trying to discourage us and remind us of the negative. The Holy Spirit will be encouraging. Friends should do this for each other.
Our identity will deliver us. It sets us up to become everything that God sees.
Our identity should shine like heaven.
We need a radiant idea of God, the church and ourselves. People may accuse us of being a big head. Better that then a pin head.
False humility is saying, I'm no good, Jesus is everything. That is nonsense. The Christ in us has the full expectation of glory.
When Simon recognized who Christ was, the very next thing that happened is Jesus said you are no longer Simon, you are Peter. Jesus revealed his identity to him
Define your negativity, allow your friends to call you on it. This will enable you to see it for what it is. A lie and then allow the Holy Spirit to kill it.
You have to confess “this is the truth of who I am" and all of heaven will meet you there and propel you into the place you need to be.
We are in a season of divine acceleration