Kings Kids

Kings Kids
O 2 B N Maui

Friday, March 14, 2008

Gods Holy Spirit to me

Gods Holy Spirit to meBy Shawn L. Thompson
The Holy Spirit is in you.You have Miracles.
How do you allow the Holy Spirit to work in your life.
Tell yourselfMy understanding of the Holy Spirit comes with ease.Do you receive?It doesn’t matter where we are the Holy Spirit is always at work.
You must be clear what the Holy Spirit want’s you to do.
*Focus* on thinking of and the feeling of the Holy Spirit.*Focus* on God and God will focus on you.*Focus* on the things God want’s for you.Not on the things you want for yourself.God is always working.
For it says in the word: in James 1:23-25 pg.673 I Peter 2:1-3 pg.675 God will give you what you want, Now that you want what He want’s for you. Ask yourselfWhat does God want for you?
Don’t focus on what you don’t want. But what He want’s for you and understanding the truth in it. Tell yourselfMy whole life is CHANGED!!!!
God take my will and my life guide me in my walk and show me how to live. Amen
Thoughts not wishful thinking.
My mind is being shaped to what God want’s for me.Understand how great God is in my life.It happens in God’s time.
Me as a Christian I am sharing what He is doing in my life.Hearing the truth and understanding the truth is moving me to the next dimension.The Fun begins Now… The feeling of Gods presence is with me always.For it says in His word: Ephesians 3:20-21 pg.649
Godly Feelings: Love, Joy, Gratitude, are the things you will hold dear to your heart.Your relationship with God molds your future.
God can hear your thoughts and feel your feelings. Change your thoughts to be His thoughts.
I create my own future by the Grace of God. I Pray for Love, Focus and the gifts of Gods Freedom and Power.I am using the Holy Spirit through Gods Power.
No limit to what God is doing for you.FeelI have unwavering Faith in my God and the Holy Spirit.
1. Ask God2. Believe in God3. Receive God Jesus says in His word: Mark 11:24-25 pg.561
Make a catalog and research. God will show you the way. Do what you have to do.Act on the feeling of the Holy Spirit in which God gives you. *FOCUS*Glory, Love, Strength, Power, Knowledge, Joy.God is the way trust in that. Take the first step.NOW!!!!
Tell yourself
Size is not a matter for God, God carries me, I don’t have to hold on. I am NOT stuck in my circumstances.Do you receive?
God is here.Love is here.Souls are here.Success is here.
Define yourself as a Child of God.
List what I am grateful for:
List what I am thankful for:
I have an attitude of gratitude in Jesus Name.When you visualize what God wants for you. God will materialize what He wants for you. God is in your mind and body.The Power Of God Is your Life NOW!!!!!!!!Ask yourselfHow bad do I want change?For it says in His word: Psalm 37:17-19 pg.309
Commitment: Feel good about what God is doing in your daily life.
Tell yourselfGod works in me and through me in Jesus Name.What I want to achieve is a better understandingof how great my God is. Know that I know!!!!!Trust in God
Daily Affirmations: I am =I am GodlyI am LoveI am FaithfulI am FocusedI am SuccessfulI am Giving
I have =GodLoveFaithFocusGratitudeSuccessPeace when I release what God is teaching me.
What are you Praying to have more of =
God in your lifeFaith in your lifeLove in your lifeGratitude in your lifeSuccess in your lifeWisdom in your life
God is the Master of our life and all creation the Heavens & the Earth.
Faith I am HealedBelieve I am HealedSelf HealingNo StressSee yourself where God wants you to be.*Focus* on God First
It says in His word: Palms 103:2-5 pg.331
Tell yourselfMy mind is Focused on what God wants for me.God guides my walk.
You are what you think about= God, Love, Giving, Peace. Are you staying still and listen to what God is saying? Are you going where God is telling you to go? Understand God has more than enough. Never ending.Live from your heart through God.Everything that you want through God is here. Embrace what God is giving you. You have the Power to gain Gods knowledge, Gods energy is in you.Tell yourself
My Spirit is So BIG!!!!!!!! I am made to Perfection!!!!!!!! Now I Have The Power To Change!!!!!!!!
I write the story, the out come is what ever I choose.
By the Power of God in me I have Broken Free!!!
I Feel God, I Feel the Holy Spirit, I Feel Good in Jesus Name.
I am a Soul, and a Spirit of God.
Lord let my Spirit be Alive and let my body Rest in Jesus Name. Amen! Amen!

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