Kings Kids

Kings Kids
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Friday, October 23, 2009

The Difference Between Condemnation And Conviction ~Kris Vallotton

"Condemnation says, "You sinned therefore you must be a sinner." But conviction says, "You're way too awesome to be acting like that.' Conviction separates your bad actions from your personhood and reminds you that you are better then you are behaving. You can tell which one you are under because condemnation makes you feel bad for doing wrong, but it also makes you feel powerless to change. Conviction releases grace on you to change and fills you with hope that things will be different as soon as you repent.

Have nothing to do with condemnation!!!! It will destroy your life. Condemnation is rooted in guilt, shame, and punishment. God doesn't do guilt, shame, or punishment. Jesus died for our sins so that He could set us free from the power of the devil, which is guilt, shame, punishment, depression, fatigue, sickness, death, and so on.

There is nothing that you could ever do that could keep you from God's love and forgiveness. There is no life so dark, no sin so shocking, no attitude so bad, no sex so perverted, no relationship so appalling, no pit so deep, no sickness so dreadful that it can't be redeemed by God. He specializes in the impossible!!! It's time for you to dream again!!!" ~Kris Vallotton

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