Kings Kids

Kings Kids
O 2 B N Maui

Friday, October 23, 2009

Something Big

God is truly doing something Big for a lot of people. People are cutting the soul ties.
They are hearing the Fathers voice once again they are now free men and women. This day the people have proven that they are hungry and ready to eat of His Holy fruit that He has placed before them.

God is showing them favor for there is to be rejoicing in His presence and praises to Father God for leading them out of the desert place. There are doors opening and doors closing for it is a new day on earth for Heavens have touch down with all His Glory.

God has spoken and His people have heard the truth with their spiritual ears and can see with their spiritual eyes the truth.

Now is the time to focus on the Heavenly Father and listen to His voice and His voice alone. It was just posted there are people that are sand paper, hammer and chisel that have molded you for such a time as this that you may be worthy and prepared to step in to your destiny. Not to be held back by any spirit of control but be guided by the Holy Spirit and to take the step in to your destiny in full faith of what the Lord has for you.

The fruit is ripe and ready to eat God is picking His choice fruit this day to feed the generation to come. The harvest is ready and the people are hungry and ready to eat of His Holy fruit and the time is now to get prepared to be served.

God is Good
Shawn T.

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