Kings Kids

Kings Kids
O 2 B N Maui

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Tijuana Missions Trip 2010~ Day 1

We're Here!!!
We had quite an event at the border yesterday. Shawn and I drove one of the trucks with a lot of luggage and they wouldn't let us through carrying other people's luggage :( The Mexican police/military are walking around with shot guns.

Long story short.... It finally got worked out 3 hours later, sitting at the border with the mexican inspection... IN MEXICO!

They let us through!!! It was kinda exciting...

Stayed all day today in the compound-surrounded by barbed wire fences (not allowed to leave camp).
Our camp is complete with roosters, goats, dogs, a donkey and turkeys. :~) The roosters were up at 4 am... I guess they don't know when the sun rises. LOL!!!

You are not aloud to flush any toilet paper in any of the toilets. If you accidentally throw it in, you have to fish it out.... YUCK!!!

The food is good. No hot water for showers. We're with 170 revivalists coming to bring Love to Tijuana!!

Tonight we have a service with our gigantic team!! Then off to bed because who's slept?!?! LOL!!

Tomorrow we leave at 2:00 pm to do services at the churches in Tijuana... WooHoo!!! Can't wait!!!

We were able to Skype Jade, Savannah, Tyler and Sanaiya today!! Very cool!!! I know they feel better knowing we're alive... hahaha!!!

We love you all and thank you so much for all of your encouragement, love and support!!


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