Kings Kids

Kings Kids
O 2 B N Maui

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Tijuana Missions Trip 2010~ Day 2

Tijuana Missions – Day 2
Day 2 was an amazing day! We started our day with pancakes and sausage!
We then had a team meeting. We are split up into 9 teams. Within in these 9 teams we each have a worship team, arts team, children’s team, teachers and preachers. So, we met with our teams, which turned into a wild crazy fun party with a fire tunnel. At the end of the tunnel we declared what we wanted to see for that day.

We had lunch shortly after and then each team was sent out! We had 5 churches to go to and have services at. However, God had a change of plans for our team. Our team stayed behind. We have a neighborhood across the street from our camp that is very, very poor. Before we left, we were meeting and we had an elderly gentleman who works at the camp come to us and ask for prayer. He had a Hernia where his stomach was bulging out. We prayed and the mass in his stomach went completely away!!! Wow!!! The he said he had bronchitis and that was completely healed also! Our team leader had made friends with the local pastor the day before. So, we made a visit to his house. I drove Shawn’s truck up these very steep dirt hills with the biggest potholes you have ever seen. The streets also had giant trenches throughout. So driving was an adventure in itself! We split up into teams and hit the neighborhood. 3 teams went door to door and I was with a team in the truck. We used a bull horn and drove around giving kids candy and balloons. They loved it! The families were very receptive. And I am learning more and more Spanish! We invited everyone to service. We prayed for one man and he said that God told him that he was going to send him someone to help him and he believed it was us. He also said that he saw angels all around the truck. And he actually saw the hand of God on the top of truck. He also saw fire all around our truck. He said that God is protecting you and the Holy Spirit is with you and you can go anywhere you want and be protected… Wow! Wow! Wow!!!

Our service was amazing!! 20 or so adults showed up and about 40 children. We had worship. Our drama team did an amazing, tear jerking drama and then we released the prophetic on them. Each team member was required to step out and say something. Being pushed is a good thing!! And then I had about 5 minutes to preach!! WooHoo!! It was good and God showed up! He loves these people so much! We then went into healing. Everyone got healed! A lady with back problems for years, a girl with a dislocated elbow, stomach problems and an infected leg. On the outreach, two hernias were healed, an ankle was healed, a knee was healed and a girl with epilepsy believes she’s healed!!

We came back to camp. We were all hungry so we piled everyone in the back of the truck and went down to the taco truck. We literally had 15 or so people in the back of the truck… I am officially certified to drive in Mexico!!! Hahahahaha!!!! We ate lots of tacos, prayed for more people. 2 people accepted Jesus at the taco truck!! Ha! The best miracles of the day!!! Imagine the guy at the taco truck, seeing 20 crazy Americans driving up in a truck for tacos at 10:30 at night!!

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